White characters on a black background; black and red characters on a white background
English Translation
Top and Bottom (red): Rely on the precious blood to be saved, which washes all sin clean
Right: Your sins have deprived you of good (Jeremiah 5:25)
Left: God bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways (Acts 3:26)
In the Lord Jesus we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins (Ephesians 1:7)
Bottom left (right to left): Please come to the church to buy a Bible to read
Border: No. 3110 (Hankow) Published by Religious Tract Society (Shanghai) Bible Flyer (B)
Simplified Transcription
靠宝血得救 使众罪洗清
真神赐福给你们 叫你们各人回转离开罪恶(徒三〇二十六) 我们借主耶稣的血 得蒙救赎 过犯得以赦免(弗一〇七)
脚注:No. 3110 (汉口)中国基督圣教书会印行(上海) 图解布道委办 圣经屏语传单 (乙)