A human skull with the picture of a man on its forehead
English Translation
Top: The Scourge of Opium Ruins Countries and Exterminates Peoples
Middle: Do not grow opium. Officials extort donations and soldiers extort salaries, so many levels of exploitation, what a pain!
Do not transport opium. People who smoke ruin their own family, and what a crime you have committed to transporting opium!
Do not sell opium. It leads to greed and murder, which not only harms the country but also the world!
Do not smoke opiums. You will lose people [friends and families] and money, and you will regret when you come to the dead end!
Bottom: 4 Hong Kong Road, Shanghai Published by the Chinese National Drug Banning Society 3 ROC cents for one, and 1 ROC dollar for fifty. Do not reprint without permission from our society
Simplified Transcription
鸦片烟 切勿种 官勒捐 兵索饷 重重剥 多苦痛 鸦片烟 切勿运 人吸烟 身家毁 你运毒 罪何重 鸦片烟 切勿卖 既贪财 又害命 害国家 害世界 鸦片烟 切勿吸 人和财 都丧失 至穷途 悔莫及
上海香港路四(拒毒图第八种) 中华国民拒毒会刊行 售价每张洋三分五十张一元 未经本会允许不准随意翻印