Year Yichou (of sexagenary cycle)—ROC Year 14—Western (Gregorian) Calendar Year 1925
[From left to right]
B(Bei): Sound of a click beetle “clicking” [Chinese: bowing beetle “kowtowing”]; P(Pai): Sound of spitting water on canvas; M(Mo): Sound of a cow mooing; F(Wu, in Wu pronunciation): Growling of an angry cat; V(Wu, in Shanghai pronunciation): Sound of agony of a person holding hot items; D(De): Sound of a bird pecking wood; T(Te): Sound of a clock pendulum swinging; N(Na, in Ningbo pronunciation): Sound of calling a child and giving him/her things; L(Le): Sound of calling pigs; G(Ge): Sound of ribbits
K(Ke): Sound of coughing up fish bones; NG(E): Sound of a baby crying; H(Hei): Sound of a dog panting on a hot day; J(Ji): Sound of a rat squeaking; Q(Qi): Sound of grinding jade; GN(Ni): Sound of mixing ingredients
X(Xi): Sound of firecracker; ZH(Zhi): Sound of a cicada chirping; CH(Chi): Sound of chasing chicken; SH(Shi) Sound of chasing ducks; R(RI): Sound of a craftsman using an auger; Z(Zi): Sound of an awl penetrating things
C(Ci): Sound of a blacksmith tempering iron; S(Si): Sound of dumping rice; I(Yi): Sound of a spinning machine; U(Wu): Sound of a musician blowing a bugle/horn; YU(Yu): Sound of driving donkeys; A(A): Sound of a crow cawing
O(E): Sound of tricking [sic] a child to sleep; E(E): Sound of hiccuping; AE: Sound of frightening at weird occurrences; AI(Ai): Sound of expressing regrets/sorriness; EI: Sound of calling people to warn them; AO(Ao): Sound of responding to an order
OU(Ou): Sound of a yamen runner clearing the street; AN(An): Crying of a child; EN(En): Sound of a pounder exerting force; ANG(Ang): Sound of coolies shouting/calling; ENG(Eng): Sound of whisper; ER(Er): Sound of a dog in pain
Surrounding the map of China: Map of the twelve Chinese dialect families by Mr. Li Shaoxi.
IN the map: Northern Mandarin: 1. Hebei family 2. Henan family 3. Hexi family; Southern Mandarin: 4. Jianghuai family 5. Jianghan system 6. Jianghu family 7. Jinsha family; Suzhe dialects: 8. Taihu family 9. Zheyuan family; Coastal dialects: 10. Ouhai family 11. Minhai family 12. Yuehai family
Below: From Jiazi to Yichou. Yin-yang (Lunar and Solar) Calendar of Fourteenth year of the Republic of China, 1925 of Western (Gregorian) Calendar.
On the right: National Day: October 10th; Memorial Days: Establishment of the Nanjing government, January 1st; Beijing’s announcement of the (establishment of) the Republic, and the unification of the north and south. February 12th; The first revolt (of 1917 to put down the restoration of Qing) in Machang that reestablished the Republic, July 3rd; Yunnan’s proposal to support the Republic, December 25th; Opening ceremony of the National Assembly, April 8th. Memorial Day of Humiliation, May 9th. Summary: National Day and Memorial Days follow Solar (Gregorian) Calendar, and the (24) Solar Terms follow the Lunar Calendar; Example: All blocks ▉ in the calendar mark Sunday.
First row from right to left: solar January-lunar Month 12th, solar February-lunar Month 1st, solar March-lunar Month 2nd, solar April-lunar Month 3rd, solar May-lunar Month 4th, solar June-lunar Month 4th, solar July-lunar Month 5th, solar August-lunar Month 6th, solar September-lunar Month 7th, solar October-lunar Month 8th, solar November-lunar Month 9th, solar December-lunar Month 10th
(Below is a calendar of both lunar and solar calendar dates)
On the left: Jieqi (24 Solar Terms): Xiaohan (12th of Month 12); Dahan (16th of Month 12); Lichun (12th of Month 1); Yushui (27th of Month 1); Jingzhe (12th of Month 2); Chunfen (27th of Month 2); Qingming (13th of Month 3); Guyu (28th of Month 3); Lixia (14th of Month 4); Xiaoman (29th of Month 4); Mangzhong (16th of Leap Month 4); Xiazhi (2nd of Month 5); Xiaoshu (18th of Month 5); Dashu (3rd of Month 6); Liqiu (19th of Month 6); Chushu (6th of Month 7); Bailu (28th of Month 7); Qiufen (6th of Month 8); Hanlu (22nd of Month 8); Shuangjiang (7th of Month 9); Lidong (22nd of Month 9); Xiaoxue (8th of Month 10); Daxue (22nd of Month 10); Dongzhi (7th of Month 11)
Bottom texts, from left to right:
Mr. Li Shaoxi said, the area in which Mandarin prevails occupies more than half of the benbu (18 provinces of the Qing, aka “China proper”), but they are the easiest to unify. The area in which Mandarin is used is so vast because of the accumulation in history, therefore [to achieve] the two characters “Tong Yi” (unify) would just require a standardization of minor differences [across regions].
The Russian poet Vasili Eroshenko came to China and said [asked], curiously, why so few people among the 400 million in this country are interested in literature. People who labor do not have the time to pursue the study of hard-to-recognize Chinese characters, which wastes their time and is hard to make practical use. The barrier imposed by this kind of characters is stronger than the Great Wall that spans 10,000 li and os fiercer than absolute monarchy.
Mr. Hu Shih said the so-called national language (or Mandarin) includes the very similar Mandarins from the area bounded by the Great Wall, the Yangzi River, The Three Provinces of Northeast (aka Manchuria), and the Three Provinces of the Southwest.
Mr. Zhang Zhongren said those of us who do not recognize foreign words lack half of their “five facial organs” already, and those who do not even know the language of their own country are worse off.
Mr. Yu Rizhang said only 7 people in every 1,000 Chinese are literature, and the remaining 993 are illiterate
Mr. Wu Zhihui said the Zhuyin alphabets are useful in two ways, 1. Unifying sounds, and 2. Conveniences common education for 30 years.
Bless the viewers (of the poster) with longevity.
Published by The Commercial Press
B (北)腷膊虫叩头声;P(拍)含水喷布声;M(墨)牛鸣声;F(勿,吴音)猫怒鬪声:V(勿,沪音)执热护痛声;D(得)鸟喙啄木声;T(忒)钟摆来去声;N(纳,宁音)呼孩赐物声;L(勒)唤豕声;G(格)蛙鸣声
北方官话:1. 河北系 2. 河南系 3. 河西系
南方官话:4. 江淮系 5. 江汉系 6. 江湖系 7. 金沙系
苏浙语:8. 太湖系 9. 浙源系
海滨语:10.瓯海系 11. 闽海系 12. 粤海系
甲子至乙丑 中华民国十四年阴阳历对照表 西历一十九百二十五年
国庆日 十月十日
纪念日 南京政府成立 一月一日 北京宣布共和南北统一 二月十二日 马厰*首义再造共和 七月三日 云南倡议拥护共和 十二月廿五日 国会开幕 四月八日
国耻纪念 五月九日
略 国庆纪念均从阳历节气均从阴历
例 表中有▉为日曜日 即星期日又称礼拜日
阳历一月-阴历十二月 阳历二月-阴历正月 阳历三月-阴历二月 阳历四月-阴历三月 阳历五月-阴历四月 阳历六月-阴历四月 阳历七月-阴历五月 阳历八月-阴历六月 阳历九月-阴历七月 阳历十月-阴历八月 阳历十一月-阴历九月 阳历十二月-阴历十月
节气 小寒 十二月十二 大寒 十二月二十六 立春 正月十二 雨水 正月二十七 惊蛰 二月十二 春分 二月二十七 清明 三月十三 谷雨 三月二十八 立夏 四月十四 小满 四月二十九 芒种 闰四月十六 夏至 五月初二 小暑 五月十八 大暑 六月初三 立秋 六月十九 处暑 七月初六 白露 七月二十一 秋分 八月初六 寒露 八月二十二 霜降 九月初七 立冬 九月二十二 小雪 十月初八 大雪 十月二十二 冬至 十一月初七
栋寿 观宾