English Translation
Using Opium Breaks Apart Families and Kills People
Top-right corner: One a happy family
Bottom-right corner: Second first addiction to tobacco
Top-left corner: Three the end of the road (idiom)
Bottom-left corner: Four wife sick, children hungry
In the bottom middle:
Chinese National Anti-Drug Publication
No. 4, Hong Kong Road, Shanghai
small texts in the bottom-right corner:
Drug Resistance Monthly Magazine
Ten issues a year, priced at 1 yuan
Europe, America and South America 1 yuan and 50 cents
Sold separately for 12 cents per issue
Stamps are available for all, postage included
small texts in the bottom-left corner:
The fifth book on drug resistance
5 cents per sheet, 2 yuan per 50 sheets
No reprinting without the permission of the Association
Simplified Transcription
一 美满家庭
二 初染烟瘾
三 穷途末路 (成语)
四 妻病子饥
全年十期 定价一元
欧美南洋 一元五角
另售每册 一角二分
邮票通用 寄费在内
每张五分 每五十张大洋二元