Top: The Bible is like spiritual milk.
Right: Babies drink milk to increase physical strength.
Left: Believers study the Bible to increase spiritual power.
Top left corner: Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. (Isa 55: 2) Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation. (1 Pe 2:2)
On the Bible: The Old and New Testaments Please go to a church to hear the gospel and study the Bible
Bottom right corner: These phonetics are officially published by the Bureau of Education, which each province should practice and promote. The phonetics are listed next to its pronunciation.
Border: Published by Stewart Evangelistic Fund No. 4 Quinsan Garden, Shanghai Committee-27-F Previous Editions 15,000. Fourth Edition 5,000.
左上角:主说你们要留意听我的话 就能吃那美物 得享肥甘 心中喜乐 赛五十五章二节 要爱慕那纯净的灵奶 像才生的婴孩爱慕奶一样 叫你们因此渐长 彼前二章二节
圣经上:新旧约圣书 请到福音堂听道查经
右下角:这注音字母是教育部正式公布 令各省区传习推行的 兹将此字母并列于后并注明其音于旁 上海昆山花园四号司徒布道欵发行