These posters help flesh out the period. Carry out surveys and statistics on churches throughout the country, including the spread of the gospel and medicine, education, literary publication, and theological education of the church. According to the Shanghai Religious Chronicle, Part V Christian records, these publishing organizations are affiliated with the National Christian Council of China. The National Christian Council of China is a cooperative organization jointly established by some denominational Christian churches and cross-denominational Christian groups, and its predecessor was the Christian Continuation Committee. Founded in the 2nd year of the Republic of China (1913), American missionaries established a national cooperative organization composed of Chinese and Western members to carry out missionary work in China.
Sixteen associations and six church groups participate in the Association, including the National Association of the Chinese YMCA and the National Association of the Chinese Young Women’s Christian Association, in the poster.
The daily work of the Association includes evangelistic ministry, church women’s ministry, rural church ministry, publishing holy books and newspapers, gospel readings, organizing Christian families, literacy campaigns, anti-drug campaigns, and abolition campaigns. Each of them permeated every aspect of ordinary people’s lives.