I Am The Door

A door decorated with teachings from the Bible

English Translation


Top right: New Testament 1 Peter 3:18
Top left: New Testament John 10:9
Bottom right: Old Testament Isaiah 59:2
Bottom left: Old Testament Isaiah 53:6

Top: Enter the Gate

Right: Your iniquities have separated you from your God

Left: Whoever enters through me will be saved.

Middle picture:  Jesus the Messiah said: I am the gate to bring you to Allah. The LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Leopard, lion, wolf Jeremiah 5:6

Top Right corner in black text: Holy Bible – New Testament – 1 Peter 3:17
Top Left corner in black text: Holy Bible – New Testament – John 10:9
Bottom Right corner in black text: Holy Bible – Old Testament – Isaiah 53:6
Bottom Left corner in black text: Holy Bible – Old Testament – Isaiah 53:6

Top: The Entrance Gate
Verse in yellow text on the top of the middle rectangular frame: Drawing Near to God. To draw us near to (the face of) God.
Title in black text in the center of the middle rectangular frame: Jesus Christ said I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved
Verse in black text on both sides of the yellow cross in the center: the LORD has laid on him  (Cross positioned) ‘on Jesus’ the iniquity of us all.
Leopard, Lion, Wolf  Jeremiah 5:6 
words in yellow text on the right side wall: your iniquities have
word in yellow text on the part wall/gate superimposed on the yellow cross in the center: separated 
words in yellow text on the left side wall: you from your God
Title in black text in the center of the bottom rectangular frame: Your God, your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.
Border: Please go to church to hear the gospel and study the Bible
Chinese -Arabic Handbill “I AM THE DOOR” Cat. No. M207
Published by the Religious Tract Society Hankow & Shanghai

Simplified Transcription

顶端: 进门


(经文出处在左上角):新约圣经 约翰福音 十章九节



(经文出处在右下角):旧约圣经 以赛亚书 五十九章二节

中间大图:自上而下: 为要引我们到真主面前

(经文出处在右上角):新约圣经 彼得前书 三章十七*节 耶稣 麦西哈说 我就是门 主使我们众人的罪都归在他的身上

(经文出处在左下角):旧约圣经 以赛亚书 五十三章六节 豹子 狮子 狼 耶利米书五章六节

请到福音堂听道查经 *应为十八

中国基督圣教画会(发行) 上海圆明园路一六九号 汉口鄱阳街中市

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