A spiritual allegory about two paths in life, one leading to eternal life and the other to eternal death
English Translation
Scripture References at the Bottom. The numbering system in the picture corresponds with the numbers below: 1. Ex 20: 1-17
2. Ge 2
3. 1 Co 15:22
4. 2 Co 6:2
5. Mt 11:28
6.Ps 38:3-8
7. Mt 7:7-8
8. James 1:8
9. Mt 11:29
10. Lk 13:24
11. Rev 22:17
12. Mt 26:27
13. Isa 61:1-9
14. Prov 27:6
15. Isa 53:6
16. Jn 14:6
17. Mt 25:34-40
18. Mk 6:2
19. Lk 14:27
20. Prov 2:13-15
21. Mt 15:14
22. 1 Pe 2:14
23. 1 Ti 4:1
24. 1 Ti 5:11-12
25. Mt 25:35
26. James 1:27
27. Ps 37:24
28. Eph 6:14
29. 1 Pe 5:8-9
30. Heb 6:4-6
31. James 5:19-20
32. Ps 103:1
33. Eph 6:11-17
34. 2 Ti 4:6-8
35. Rev 7:9-10
36. Rev 4:10
37. Rev 21
38. Jn 14:1-3
39. Rev 7:2-6
40. Rev 14:1
41. Rev 5:11-12
42. Rev 21:23-25
43. Ge 9:12-16
44. 1 Pe 3:12
45. Jer 17:10
46. Ge 3
47. 1 Co 15:22
48. Mt 13:19
49. Heb 3:2
50. Eze 11:21
51. Lk 6:8
52. Jn 5:44-45
53. Prov 7:6
54. Prov 9:13
55. Rev 22:15
56. Ecc 5:9-14
57. Prov 23:27-28
58. Lk 6:24
59. Gal 5:19-21
60. 1 Co 6:10
61. Prov 12:10
62. Isa 5:11
63. Isa 9:13-16
64. Eze 14:1-13
65. Eph 2:8-9
66. Gal 5:20-21
67. Lk 14:19
68. Lk 14:16-24
69. Lk 14:18
70. Deut18:14-19
71. Lk 14:20
72. Rev 22:15
73. Eze 13:17
74. Deut18:10-12
75. Isa 57:36
76. Ecc7:5-6
77. Prov 20:1-3
78. Mt 20:1-16
79. Jer 10:1-8
80. 1 Pe 1:9-10
81. Gal 5:19-21
82. Rev 22:15
83. Jer 17:4
84. Lk 15:15-19
85. Jer16:3-4
86. Isa 10: 1-4
87. Eze 38:21
88. Isa 9:10-12
89. Jer 15:14
90. Eze 23:46-47
91. Ecc 12:14
92. Eze 20:23-26
93. Eze 23:22-24
94. Isa 1:28
95. Deut 32:22
96. Isa 9:17-18
97. Mt 25:41-43
98. Mt 25:46
99. Rev 19:17-19
100. Dan5: 27
In the picture
Tablets on bottom center: Left side top down: One Two Three Four Five
Right side top down: Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
Cross shaped sign: On the left: Enter here to eternal death
On the right: Enter here to eternal life
On the foot of the sign: 2 Ti 4:15,16
Narrow road on the right: Above the gate: Gate to eternal life
Sign on the right side of the gate: Small gate and narrow road that lead to the house of eternal life Mt 7:14
Wide road on the left: Above the gate: Road that leads to all evils
Sign on the right side of the gate: Wide gate and broad road that lead to the dying city Mt 7:13
First building on the left on the broad road: Fragrance Opium Shop
Second building on the left: Restaurant of Drunken Immortals
Temple on the left: Da Wang Temple
Flag on the building: [Fake News or Cheating on Taxes]
First two small houses on the right side: Brothel Tomb Feng Shui
Two story building on the right: Cigarette and Lottery Company
Person sitting by the fence with a table: Fortune Telling
Border: Printed by the Commercial Press Shanghai
Published by the Religious Tract Society for China. Hankow & Shanghai
Simplified Transcription
底端经文出处 图中计数方法对应以下阿拉伯数字:
1. 出20: 1-17
2. 创2
3. 林前15:22
4. 林后6:2
5. 太11:28
7. 太7:7-8
8. 各1:8
9. 太11:29
10. 路13:24
11. 默22:17
12. 太26:27
13. 赛61:1-9
14. 箴27:6
15. 赛53:6
16. 翰14:6
17. 太25:34-40
18. 可6:2
19. 路14:27
20. 箴2:13-15
21. 太15:14
22. 彼前2:14
23. 摩前4:1
24. 摩前5:11-12
25. 太25:35
26. 各1:27
27. 诗37:24
28. 弗6:14
29. 彼前5:8-9
30. 来6:4-6
31. 各5:19-20
32. 诗103:1
33. 弗6:11-17
34. 摩后4:6-8
35. 默7:9-10
36. 默4:10
37. 默21
38. 翰14:1-3
39. 默7:2-6
40. 默14:1
41. 默5:11-12
42. 默21:23-25
43. 创9:12-16
44. 彼前3:12
45. 耶17:10
46. 创3
47. 林前15:22
48. 太13:19
49. 来3:2
50. 结11:21
51. 路6:8
52. 翰5:44-45
53. 箴7:6
54. 箴9:13
55. 默22:15
56. 传5:9-14
57. 箴23:27-28
58. 路6:24
59. 加5:19-21
60. 林前6:10
61. 箴12:10
62. 赛5:11
63. 赛9:13-16
64. 结14:1-13
65. 弗2:8-9
66. 加5:20-21
67. 路14:19
68. 路14:16-24
69. 路14:18
70. 申18:14-19
71. 路14:20
72. 默22:15
73. 结13:17
74. 申18:10-12
75. 赛57:36
76. 传7:5-6
77. 默20:1-3
78. 太20:1-16
79. 耶10:1-8
80. 彼前1:9-10
81. 加5:19-21
82. 默22:15
83. 耶17:4
84. 路15:15-19
85. 耶16:3-4
86. 赛10: 1-4
87. 结38:21
88. 赛9:10-12
89. 耶15:14
90. 结23:46-47
91. 传12:14
92. 结20:23-26
93. 结23:22-24
94. 赛1:28
95. 申32:22
96. 赛9:17-18
97. 太25:41-43
98. 太25:46
99. 默19:17-19
100. 但5: 27
底端中央石版:左侧从上至下:一二三四五 右侧从上至下:六七八九十
十字架形路标:左侧:入斯定永亡 右侧:进此得长生
右侧窄路: 拱门上方:永生门
拱门右侧路牌:户小而路窄即通永生府 大七14
左侧宽路: 拱门上方:万恶通衢
拱门右侧路牌:门大而道宽确贯将亡城 大七13
右侧两座矮房子:花柳巷 阴宅包选