


Scripture References at the Bottom. The numbering system in the picture corresponds with the numbers below: 1. Ex 20: 1-17
2. Ge 2
3. 1 Co 15:22
4. 2 Co 6:2
5. Mt 11:28
6.Ps 38:3-8
7. Mt 7:7-8
8. James 1:8
9. Mt 11:29
10. Lk 13:24
11. Rev 22:17
12. Mt 26:27
13. Isa 61:1-9
14. Prov 27:6
15. Isa 53:6
16. Jn 14:6
17. Mt 25:34-40
18. Mk 6:2
19. Lk 14:27
20. Prov 2:13-15
21. Mt 15:14
22. 1 Pe 2:14
23. 1 Ti 4:1
24. 1 Ti 5:11-12
25. Mt 25:35
26. James 1:27
27. Ps 37:24
28. Eph 6:14
29. 1 Pe 5:8-9
30. Heb 6:4-6
31. James 5:19-20
32. Ps 103:1
33. Eph 6:11-17
34. 2 Ti 4:6-8
35. Rev 7:9-10
36. Rev 4:10
37. Rev 21
38. Jn 14:1-3
39. Rev 7:2-6
40. Rev 14:1
41. Rev 5:11-12
42. Rev 21:23-25
43. Ge 9:12-16
44. 1 Pe 3:12
45. Jer 17:10
46. Ge 3
47. 1 Co 15:22
48. Mt 13:19
49. Heb 3:2
50. Eze 11:21
51. Lk 6:8
52. Jn 5:44-45
53. Prov 7:6
54. Prov 9:13
55. Rev 22:15
56. Ecc 5:9-14
57. Prov 23:27-28
58. Lk 6:24
59. Gal 5:19-21
60. 1 Co 6:10
61. Prov 12:10
62. Isa 5:11
63. Isa 9:13-16
64. Eze 14:1-13
65. Eph 2:8-9
66. Gal 5:20-21
67. Lk 14:19
68. Lk 14:16-24
69. Lk 14:18
70. Deut18:14-19
71. Lk 14:20
72. Rev 22:15
73. Eze 13:17
74. Deut18:10-12
75. Isa 57:36
76. Ecc7:5-6
77. Prov 20:1-3
78. Mt 20:1-16
79. Jer 10:1-8
80. 1 Pe 1:9-10
81. Gal 5:19-21
82. Rev 22:15
83. Jer 17:4
84. Lk 15:15-19
85. Jer16:3-4
86. Isa 10: 1-4
87. Eze 38:21
88. Isa 9:10-12
89. Jer 15:14
90. Eze 23:46-47
91. Ecc 12:14
92. Eze 20:23-26
93. Eze 23:22-24
94. Isa 1:28
95. Deut 32:22
96. Isa 9:17-18
97. Mt 25:41-43
98. Mt 25:46
99. Rev 19:17-19
100. Dan5: 27

In the picture
Tablets on bottom center: Left side top down: One Two Three Four Five
Right side top down: Six Seven Eight Nine Ten

Cross shaped sign: On the left: Enter here to eternal death
On the right: Enter here to eternal life
On the foot of the sign: 2 Ti 4:15,16
Narrow road on the right: Above the gate: Gate to eternal life
Sign on the right side of the gate: Small gate and narrow road that lead to the house of eternal life Mt 7:14

Wide road on the left: Above the gate: Road that leads to all evils
Sign on the right side of the gate: Wide gate and broad road that lead to the dying city Mt 7:13
First building on the left on the broad road: Fragrance Opium Shop
Second building on the left: Restaurant of Drunken Immortals
Temple on the left: Da Wang Temple
Flag on the building: [Fake News or Cheating on Taxes]
First two small houses on the right side: Brothel Tomb Feng Shui
Two story building on the right: Cigarette and Lottery Company
Person sitting by the fence with a table: Fortune Telling

Border: Printed by the Commercial Press Shanghai
Published by the Religious Tract Society for China. Hankow & Shanghai


底端经文出处 图中计数方法对应以下阿拉伯数字:

1. 出20: 1-17
2. 创2
3. 林前15:22
4. 林后6:2
5. 太11:28
7. 太7:7-8
8. 各1:8
9. 太11:29
10. 路13:24
11. 默22:17
12. 太26:27
13. 赛61:1-9
14. 箴27:6
15. 赛53:6
16. 翰14:6
17. 太25:34-40
18. 可6:2
19. 路14:27
20. 箴2:13-15
21. 太15:14
22. 彼前2:14
23. 摩前4:1
24. 摩前5:11-12
25. 太25:35
26. 各1:27
27. 诗37:24
28. 弗6:14
29. 彼前5:8-9
30. 来6:4-6
31. 各5:19-20
32. 诗103:1
33. 弗6:11-17
34. 摩后4:6-8
35. 默7:9-10
36. 默4:10
37. 默21
38. 翰14:1-3
39. 默7:2-6
40. 默14:1
41. 默5:11-12
42. 默21:23-25
43. 创9:12-16
44. 彼前3:12
45. 耶17:10
46. 创3
47. 林前15:22
48. 太13:19
49. 来3:2
50. 结11:21
51. 路6:8
52. 翰5:44-45
53. 箴7:6
54. 箴9:13
55. 默22:15
56. 传5:9-14
57. 箴23:27-28
58. 路6:24
59. 加5:19-21
60. 林前6:10
61. 箴12:10
62. 赛5:11
63. 赛9:13-16
64. 结14:1-13
65. 弗2:8-9
66. 加5:20-21
67. 路14:19
68. 路14:16-24
69. 路14:18
70. 申18:14-19
71. 路14:20
72. 默22:15
73. 结13:17
74. 申18:10-12
75. 赛57:36
76. 传7:5-6
77. 默20:1-3
78. 太20:1-16
79. 耶10:1-8
80. 彼前1:9-10
81. 加5:19-21
82. 默22:15
83. 耶17:4
84. 路15:15-19
85. 耶16:3-4
86. 赛10: 1-4
87. 结38:21
88. 赛9:10-12
89. 耶15:14
90. 结23:46-47
91. 传12:14
92. 结20:23-26
93. 结23:22-24
94. 赛1:28
95. 申32:22
96. 赛9:17-18
97. 太25:41-43
98. 太25:46
99. 默19:17-19
100. 但5: 27

底端中央石版:左侧从上至下:一二三四五 右侧从上至下:六七八九十
十字架形路标:左侧:入斯定永亡 右侧:进此得长生

右侧窄路: 拱门上方:永生门
拱门右侧路牌:户小而路窄即通永生府 大七14

左侧宽路: 拱门上方:万恶通衢
拱门右侧路牌:门大而道宽确贯将亡城 大七13

右侧两座矮房子:花柳巷 阴宅包选

