Top and Bottom: The Lord’s Word is Food; Those who have no money may also come and eat.
Right and Left: Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare (Isa 55:2).
Four corners: Joy and Delight
On the Bible: When your words came, I ate them. They were my joy and my heart’s delight (Jer 15:16).
On the bowl: Great and Precious Promises
On the steamed buns: I will strengthen you and help you (Isa 41:10). Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you (Heb 13:5). I will give you rest (Mt 11:28). Peace I leave with you (Jn 14:27). Everyone who asks receives (Mt 7:8 Jer 33:3 Mt 18:19).
Chop: The Religious Tract Society of China
Next to table: Please go to a church to hear the gospel and study the Bible.
Border: V.E. Poster “JOY AND REJOICING”
Published by Religious Tract Society, Hankow & Shanghai
两侧从右至左:主对世人说 你们为何花钱买那不足为食物的 用劳碌得来的买那不使人……(续右)饱足的呢 你们要留意听我的话 就能吃那美物得享肥甘心中喜乐 赛五十五章二节
四角:欢 喜 快 乐
圣经上:我得着主的言语 就当食物吃了 主的言语是我心中的欢喜快乐 旧约全书 耶利米书 第十五章 十六节 八百五十 八百五十一
食物上:我必坚固你 我必帮助你 赛四十一 十我总不撇下你 来十三 五 也不丢弃你 来十三 五 我要使你们得安息 太十一 二八我留下平安给你们 约十四 二七 凡祈求就得着 太七 八 又耶利米书三十三章三节 又马太十八章十九节