Top: Proclaim Christ, Reform China
White flags: Justice; Humanity; Cooperation; Equality; Bravery; Sacrifice; Incorruptibility; Freedom; Fraternity; Truth; Christianized life; Brightness
Black flags: Laziness; Hedonism; Aggression; Cruelty; Greed; Social Class; Evil; Ignorance; Superstition
Flag on the wall: New China
Top left: Today our nation is under invasion and enslaved by all sorts of sins and oppression. It is doomed unless we have great enlightenment and determination. All believers shall act on Christ’s last commandment to save the world, be united and go forward. Our Christian lives shall be characterized by brightness, truth, love and sacrifice. Our mission is to defeat all darkness so that the coming of a bright “New China”, “on earth as it is in heaven”, will be hastened.
Bottom right: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (See New Testament, Ephesians 6:10-12)
Border: For preaching in ROC year 16 (1927), please post in public places. 4 ROC dollars for 100 posters. 23 Yuanmingyuan Road, Shanghai, published by National Christian Council of China
宣传基督 革新中国
白旗: 正义 人道 合作 平等 勇毅 牺牲 清廉 自由 博爱 真理 基督化生活 光明
黑旗: 怠情 纵欲 侵略 贪顽 残暴 阶级 罪恶 愚暗 迷信
左上:今日我国民被困于侵略残暴等罪恶种种压迫与层层束缚之下非发大觉悟大愿力不能挽救危亡凡我信徒均当服膺耶稣救世遗命团结一致奋往直前以光明真理博爱牺牲等表现基督化生活打倒一切黑暗势力使”在地若天”之 “新中国”灿烂光华得以早日实现
脚注:为民国十六年 布道事业 适用 请贴公共处所 定价每百张售洋四元 上海圆明园路廿三号 中华全国基督教协进会刊行