Three illustrations of sin and how Jesus’ death atones for sin.
English Translation
Center: By his (the Lord Jesus’) wounds we are healed. Please see Isaiah 53
On the right: drugs, theft, gambling, robbing
On the woman’s box: dragon [from mahjong]
Connected to the black arrow: All of the sin
On the cross: The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all
Next to the cross: whip; spear
Bottom left corner: he himself bore our sins in his body on the tree (1Pe 2:24)
Christian Book Room, 3 Quinsan Gardens, Shanghai
Bottom: A solar calendar of February with Chinese lunar weather terms
Simplified Transcription
中央:因他是主耶稣(小字)受的鞭伤我们得医治 请看赛五十三章
右侧:拢总的罪 烟 偷 赌 盗
十字架右侧:鞭 枪
左下角:主耶稣被挂在木头上亲身担当我们的罪 彼前二章二十四节
底端公历日历及阴历节气:中华民国二十六年 二月十九日 雨水 四日 立春