Daily life in a Christian family
English Translation
Indepensable Spirit for Christianizing the Family
Upper pictures (from left to right): Clean the house
Loving parents and filial children
Literate family
Family devotions (words besides the cross: Pray to God and read the bible everyday; words in the middle: The New Testament)
Holy marriage (words in the middle from right to left: love each other, get older together, experience bitter and sweet together, born and die together)
Bottom pictures (from left to right): Universal love (words on the box: box to help the poor; words next to the cross: willing to save and donate the money for buying candy)
Treatment to servants (words next to the clock: You should go and rest)
Chidren’s Gospel Meeting (words on the left flag: children’s health and children’s hygiene; words on the right flag: children’s education and children’s happiness)
Rightful entertainment
Family frugality (words on top from right to left: With each bowl of gruel or rice you should recall that its production is not easy; with each half length of silk or hemp, always remember to make a thing is very hard, said Master Zhu)
Shanghai Yuanmingyuan Road Number 23
Published and printed by National Christian Council of China
Simplified Transcription
家庭灵修 (左右两边:日日祷告上帝 天天查放圣经;中间:新约福音)
婚姻神圣(中间上方从右至左:相亲相爱 百年偕老 同甘共苦 同生共死)
福儿家庭(教堂上字:儿童福音大会;左红旗字:儿童健康 儿童卫生;右红旗字:儿童教育 儿童幸福)
家庭节俭(上方字由右至左:一粥一饭当思来处不易 半丝半缕恒念物力 维?朱子格言)