Dr. W.W. Peter



Sanitation Exposition

The mightiness and the feebleness of a country, both the educated and the uneducated deem, as dependent on the prosperity and decline of science. The immediate effect of instillation and popularization of science can only be achieved through lecturing. Lectures can make it easy for people to understand and imprint a long lasting memory, and it would be of no effect without on-site experimentations. The National Council of YMCA China, through specially engaging both Chinese and foreign science experts to organize a group of lecturers and sending them with the most recently invented equipments to lecture in every provinces, aims to inspire youths’ knowledge, awaken the spirit of the nationals, which is indeed drastically different from ordinary speeches. Now Mr. [sic] William Wesley Peter (1882-1959, YMCA secretary in China from 1913-1927), M.D. [or PhD in medicines]
of the US, who is experienced in the research in the field of sanitation, has been invited by __[person]__ to __[place]__ to expertly lecture on the true explanation of sanitation and perform fantastical experiments by stage. Except the tickets that had already been printed and distributed to several offices by stage, we will especially host ordinary guests on _[month]_ _[date]_. Please go to the places opened after [the prior ones] to get your tickets, and come to the exposition on time to see Mr. [sic] Peter in person to listen to his great theories and view his experiments. This is a great opportunity that will occur only once in a thousand years, do not miss it! Period.
The place of exposition will be at ____
Date: __ solar/lunar calendar __[month]__ __[date]__ __[ante/post] meridiem __[hour]__ start/end
The locations for ordinary guests to pick up their tickets is followed after.



