Top: Lord, save us! Please see Mt 8:25, Mt 14:30
Right: I am a dying person. (Dt 26: 5)*
Left: Jehovah (who is Lord Jesus) will save me. (Is 38:20)
Bottom: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (Jn 3:16)
Christian Book Room, 3 Quinsan Gardens, Shanghai
Bottom: A solar calendar of November with lunar Chinese weather terms.
顶端:主啊救我们喇 请看太八章廿五节 太十四章三十节
右侧:我原是一个将亡的人 申廿六章第五节
左侧:耶和华是主耶稣 肯救我 赛三十八章 第二十节
图片:救恩出于主耶稣 主啊救我
中西基督福音书局 上海昆山花园三号
底端公历日历及阴历节气:中化民国二十六年十一月 八日立冬 廿三日小雪