Top: Family Prayers for at home and at church on Weekdays and Weekends
Top right: Prayer for meals – Thank you, Father, for giving us food for our body through your sustaining grace. May you also give us spiritual food to nourish our souls so our virtues grow and our understanding of you deepens day by day. We ask and thank you depending entirely on Jesus.
Top left: Prayer for hoeing the field – Lord, please hoe off the thorns in my heart. May the truth take root in my heart and produce crops a hundred times.
Prayer for mending clothes – Lord, please mend what I am missing and make me perfect so you will be gloried.
Prayer for going to school – Lord, please guide us not to take any wrong steps so we may go straight to heaven for the eternal blessing.
Bottom right: Prayer for getting up in the morning – Lord, thank you for your protection during the night. Please guide us on your way of righteousness. May our words and actions be pleasing to you.
Bottom left: Prayer for Bible study in the evening – Lord, thank you for your grace and protection during the day, and for the opportunity to learn through studying scriptures and singing praises to you. May we sleep in your arms in peace.
Center: Prayer for Sunday worship – On this, another Sunday, we thank you Lord for your great love. May you have mercy and bless the world. Merciful Lord, thank you for your protection during the week and give us rest. You teach us, bless us, and move us. We are ever grateful for such grace.
Border: Published by the Religious Tract Society for China Hankow and Shanghai
Cat. No. 1012 “Family at Prayer”
右上:吃饭祈祷图 – 敬谢天父赏赐食物养活肉身恩典常存更求天粮养我灵魂教我们德行日盛道理日深所求所谢惟靠耶稣
左上:锄地祷告 – 求主锄去我心中的荆棘使真理在我心中发生终至结实百倍
补衣祈祷 – 求主补足我的缺使我作完全人为主彰显荣耀
上学祈祷 – 求主引导我们一步不要走错一直行入天堂得享永福
右下:清晨将起祈祷图 – 谢谢主保护我们一夜平安求主在今天引导我们行走在你的义路作事说话都能讨主的喜欢
左下:每晚查经祈祷 – 谢谢主的恩典保佑我们一日平安又使我们得机会查经歌诗得着教训平平安安睡卧在主的怀里
中央:礼拜祈祷 – 平安又到圣日 感谢上主大爱惜 恳求上主发洪恩 今日赐福天下人 谢谢大慈悲的主保佑我们一个礼拜平安又使我们得安息听教训蒙福乐受感动如此大恩感谢不尽