Top: Pictures of Prayers for Women – Every Day Work Much, Pray Much
First row:
Prayer when sweeping the floor: Lord, please sweep away any impurities in my heart and make me one pure in heart.
Prayers when laundering: Lord, please wash my heart and I will be white as snow.
Prayers when opening the door: Lord, please open my heart and receive you in my heart.
Second row:
Prayer when fetching water: Lord, please give me the living water so I will never be thirsty.
Prayer when delivering mail: Lord, please let me go from faith to faith and in constant communion with you.
Prayer when fetching oil: Lord, please give me wisdom so I can be like the wise virgins who always have the oil in jars.
Third row:
Prayer when boiling water for tea: Lord, please send your spiritual fire to burn away the cold in my heart and always be zealous to serve you.
Prayer when watering plants: Lord, please send your spiritual rain to my heart and make the good seeds in my heart grow.
Prayer when lighting the lamp: Lord, please make my action good as light to share before man. May your true light shine in my heart.
Corner of all nine pictures, artist’s name: Yu Liang
Published by the Religious Tract Society, Hankow & Shanghai
顶端:三栏从右至左:女界祈祷图 每日工作多 祷告也必多
扫地祷告:求主扫去我心中的污秽 使我常作清心人
洗濯祷告:求主洗洗我心 使我洁白如雪
开门祷告:求主敞开我的心门 将主接在心中
提水祷告:求主赐我活水 使我永远不渴
送信祷告:求主使我信上加信 常要与主交通
打油祷告:求主赐我智慧如聪明的童女 常预备油在器皿里
烧茶祷告:求主降灵火烧去我心中冷淡 常存热心事奉主